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The Green Business Certification Program is an umbrella recognition program that accepts businesses certified by a number of third party organizations listed below. Businesses are encouraged to pursue the certification standard that is most in line with their operations and values. Please contact the organizations listed below for specific information on their certification standards to determine which one is most appropriate.

In some instances, the appropriate standard is quite clear. For example, if you are a hotel you should pursue certification through Green Seal since it offers a standard tailored specifically for hotels. In other instances, it is not entirely clear what makes the most sense for your business. The |S|B|G|A|* and Department of Environmental Protection is happy to guide you in this decision making process.

Applicable To:

Businesses in commercial office space; landscape businesses, janitorial and slew of other trades.

Scope of Certification:

Businesses in commercial office space: Applies to the functioning of an individual office or suite of related office buildings, and not the entire company. Operational aspects focus on organizational commitment, waste reduction and recycling, environmentally preferred purchasing, energy and water efficiency, transportation and travel and sustainable landscaping and storm water management (if applicable).

Landscape businesses: Applies to a company's landscaping work within Montgomery County and encompasses a comprehensive set of operational aspects with a particular emphasis on the projects it designs, installs and/or maintains. Garden centers are also included (if applicable). Focus areas include organizational commitment, air quality, energy efficiency, waste management, environmentally preferable purchasing, integrated pest management, water and soil.

Applicable To:

All businesses

Scope of Certification:

Businesses in commercial office space: Applies to the functioning of an individual office or suite of related office buildings, and not the entire company. Operational aspects focus on organizational commitment, waste reduction and recycling, environmentally preferred purchasing, energy and water efficiency, transportation and travel and sustainable landscaping and storm water management (if applicable).

Landscape businesses: Applies to a company's landscaping work within Montgomery County and encompasses a comprehensive set of operational aspects with a particular emphasis on the projects it designs, installs and/or maintains. Garden centers are also included (if applicable). Focus areas include organizational commitment, air quality, energy efficiency, waste management, environmentally preferable purchasing, integrated pest management, water and soil.

Entire company and encompasses operational aspects focusing on restoring and protecting the environment; social and economic justice; vibrant, inclusive local communities; and personal health, well-being and fulfillment.

Note: In order to be recognized by EPA as Green Business, a business must pass site inspection to achieve GOLD STANDARD certification .

|S|B|G|A| offers expedited certification process cost varies on business type and number of locations

call:(202)417-7242 for free consultation